Half Ticket

Watch Half Ticket

  • 2016
  • 2 hr 18 min

Half Ticket is a heartwarming and humorous tale of two siblings, Munna and his sister Laali, who come from a modest background but harbour big dreams. Munna, the younger of the two yearns to go to school but his family is unable to afford the fees. Not one to be deterred, Munna often sneaks into nearby schools to learn and has even managed to teach himself the basics of the English language. Laali, on the other hand, is more concerned with making ends meet and often accompanies their mother to work as a housemaid.

One day, whilst scavenging through the rubbish in the hopes of finding something valuable, the two come across a torn Rs 500 note. Seeing this as their ticket to fulfilling their dreams, they set out on an adventure to get it replaced. Along the way, they make new friends, encounter obstacles and learn important life lessons about perseverance and the true meaning of family.

Set in the backdrop of the bustling city of Mumbai, Half Ticket is a feel-good movie that showcases the struggles of the underprivileged but with a lighthearted and endearing narrative. It highlights the importance of education and the lengths that one will go to attain it. Munna's character, in particular, is a reminder to all that one's circumstances need not define their future.

Apart from Munna and Laali's journey, the movie also explores the dynamics of their family unit. Despite the hardships they face, the family is shown to be loving and fiercely loyal to each other. The mother character is portrayed as a hardworking woman who will do anything for her children, even if it means taking up multiple jobs to make ends meet.

The storyline of Half Ticket is further elevated by the performances of the lead actors, Nayan Shukla and Toral Trivedi. Nayan, who plays Munna, delivers a convincing and heartfelt portrayal of a young boy who is wise beyond his years. He brings emotional depth and authenticity to the character, making Munna an easy character for the audience to root for. Toral, who plays Laali, complements Nayan's performance with her grounded and mature portrayal of an older sister who is fiercely protective of her younger brother.

The supporting cast, comprising of seasoned actors Suchitra Pillai, Bhagwan Tiwari and Kailash Waghmare, also deliver noteworthy performances. Their characters add a layer of complexity to the story, with each having their own motives and struggles.

Half Ticket is not just a movie; it is a celebration of hope and the power of dreams. The cinematography, which captures the essence of Mumbai's crowded streets and iconic landmarks, adds to the narrative and helps the audience connect with the characters on a deeper level. The music, composed by veteran composer G. V. Prakash Kumar, adds a feel-good vibe to the movie and is sure to have the audience tapping their feet to the beats.

In conclusion, Half Ticket is a movie that is not to be missed. It is a story that is both heartbreakingly real and delightfully uplifting. The performances, the music and the cinematography come together to create a cinematic experience that will leave the audience with a sense of warmth and positivity. So, pack your bags and join Munna and Laali on their adventure to fulfil their dreams.

Half Ticket
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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    2 hr 18 min