Gaudi Afternoon is a 2001 comedy-drama film directed by Susan Seidelman, based on the novel "Gaudi Afternoon" written by Barbara Wilson. It stars Judy Davis, Marcia Gay Harden, and Lili Taylor. The plot revolves around Cassandra Reilly (Judy Davis), an American translator living in Barcelona, Spain. She's hired by a mysterious Spanish woman named Frankie (Marcia Gay Harden) to help her locate her missing husband. Frankie believes her husband, whom she married for a green card, has run off with her daughter.
As Cassandra begins her search, she gets caught up in a whirlwind of events that includes elaborate schemes, stolen artworks, and dysfunctional relationships. Along the way, she encounters a cast of quirky characters, including a group of American lesbians who are creating a radical feminist play based on the life of Antoni Gaudi and Frankieâs flamenco-dancing lover, Gloria (Lili Taylor).
As the film progresses, Cassandra's search becomes increasingly complicated and confusing, and she finds herself unsure about who to trust. As she delves deeper into the mystery, she discovers that not everyone is who they seem to be, and things are not always what they appear to be.
The film is set in Barcelona, and its vividly portrayed architecture and landscapes contribute to the filmâs aesthetic appeal. The city's modernist architecture, particularly the work of Gaudi, makes a significant appearance throughout the film, and the filmmakers use the urban environment to enhance the sense of mystery and intrigue.
The performances of the three main actresses are a major highlight of the film. Judy Davis delivers an excellent performance as the English-speaking Cassandra, a no-nonsense, practical woman who finds herself out of her depth in the unpredictable world of Barcelona. Marcia Gay Harden is captivating as the persistent and enigmatic Frankie, while Lili Taylor steals scenes as the passionate and impulsive Gloria.
The film's soundtrack, which features a mix of Spanish and English songs, adds to the overall atmosphere of the movie. It contributes to setting the mood of the various scenes, whether it's the playful tones of a flamenco dance or the suspenseful notes of a thriller.
Overall, Gaudi Afternoon is an entertaining and engaging film that skillfully blends witty humor and suspenseful drama. With its excellent performances, evocative setting, and creative story, it's a movie that's well worth watching for fans of both comedy and mystery genres.
Gaudi Afternoon is a 2001 comedy. It has received mostly poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 5.9 and a MetaScore of 44.
CastJudy DavisMarcia Gay HardenLili Taylor
DirectorGaudi Afternoon is a 2001 comedy film based on Barbara Wilson's novel and directed by Susan Seidelman. The film focuses on an expatriate American book translator (Judy Davis) living in BarcelonaSpainwho is hired by a mysterious woman to locate h
Release Date2001
MPAA RatingR
IMDB Rating5.9 (1,176)
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