Garfield's Fun Fest is a 2008 computer-animated film that follows the adventures of the lovable, food-obsessed comic strip cat as he strives to win a local talent competition. The movie is directed by Mark A.Z. Dippé and stars Frank Welker as the voice of Garfield, Tim Conway as the voice of elderly clown character Uncle Ed, Gregg Berger as the voice of Garfield's dimwitted friend Odie and Wally Wingert as the voice of the sinister Judge Delores. The film is a spin-off of the classic Garfield comic strip and the beloved '80s animated series, "Garfield and Friends."
The movie takes place in a small, charming and quirky suburb called Cartoon World where the annual talent competition called the "Fun Fest" is being held. Garfield, a character known for his cynical wit and love of lasagna, decides that he wants to compete in the Fun Fest this year, but he has no talent. This doesn't stop him from trying, however. He enlists the help of his best friend Odie, who also has no talent but is enthusiastic, to help him win the competition.
Garfield and Odie's journey to the Fun Fest is marked with absurd detours and hilarious encounters, such as their run-ins with a menacing gang of street cats and their travels through a crazy mirror maze. As they make their way to the competition, Garfield realizes he has a chance to win the coveted prize of being named "King of Cartoons" if he can convince the judges of his talent.
However, the Fun Fest isn't all fun and games. A sinister and ruthless judge named Delores is overseeing the competition with her accomplice and bumbling assistant Herman Post, and they are determined to make sure Garfield doesn't win. Delores feels threatened by the newcomer's popularity and is willing to use nefarious means to ensure that Garfield doesn't take home the top prize.
Garfield and Odie's journey to become stars at the Fun Fest leads them to meet a colorful cast of characters, including an elderly clown named Uncle Ed, who helps Garfield to master the art of comedy. They also befriend a group of talented musicians who join forces with them to form a band named "Garfunkel and Oates."
The movie explores themes of friendship, perseverance, and believing in oneself even in the face of obstacles. The animation is colorful and bright, capturing the spirit of Jim Davis' classic cartoon strip.
Overall, Garfield's Fun Fest is a delightful and entertaining movie that is sure to delight both children and adults alike. The movie features a great score, catchy songs, and plenty of laugh-out-loud moments. Garfield's sarcastic wit and love of food remain as endearing as ever, and the film's message about the importance of following your dreams is both inspiring and uplifting.
Garfield's Fun Fest is a 2008 comedy with a runtime of 1 hour and 15 minutes. It has received mostly poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 4.4.
CastFrank WelkerTim ConwayGregg BergerWally Wingert
DirectorMark A.Z. Dipp
Release Date2008
MPAA RatingTV-Y7
Runtime1 hr 15 min
IMDB Rating4.4 (737)
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