Functional Fitness: Pain Free Back Workout with Suzanne Andrews

Watch Functional Fitness: Pain Free Back Workout with Suzanne Andrews

  • 2011
  • 26 min

Functional Fitness: Pain Free Back Workout with Suzanne Andrews is a fitness video starring the knowledgeable and experienced fitness expert Suzanne Andrews. This video is designed for individuals who are suffering from back pain and are looking for accessible and low-impact exercises to relieve pain and regain mobility. The video is structured as a step-by-step workout that starts with gentle warm-ups and progresses to more challenging exercises. The exercises are designed to target specific areas of the back, including the upper and lower back, the shoulders, and the hips.

What sets this video apart from other fitness videos is its emphasis on functional fitness exercises. These exercises are designed to mimic real-life movements and activities to improve overall functionality and mobility. The exercises focus on building strength and improving flexibility in the back muscles, which are crucial for a healthy and pain-free back.

Throughout the video, Suzanne Andrews provides clear and concise instructions on how to perform each exercise properly. She also provides modifications for individuals who may have physical limitations or are new to exercise. Her coaching style is encouraging and motivating, making the workout enjoyable and accessible for individuals of all fitness levels.

The video is approximately 50 minutes long, but individuals can customize their workouts by selecting specific exercises from the video. This is useful for individuals who have limited time or want to focus on specific areas of the back.

Overall, Functional Fitness: Pain Free Back Workout with Suzanne Andrews is an excellent fitness video for individuals who are suffering from back pain or want to improve their back health. The exercises are low-impact and accessible, making them suitable for individuals of all fitness levels. The emphasis on functional fitness exercises is also a great added benefit, as it helps individuals improve their overall mobility and functionality. Suzanne Andrews' coaching style is supportive and motivating, making this video an enjoyable and effective workout.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    26 min