Even Angles Eat Beans

Watch Even Angles Eat Beans

  • 2 hr 2 min

Even Angels Eat Beans is a 1973 crime-comedy film from Italy directed by Enzo Barboni. The film has become widely popular and earned a cult status over the years for its witty dialogues, quirky characters, and entertaining action scenes. The movie stars two of Italy's most famous actors, Giuliano Gemma and Bud Spencer, in the lead roles.

The story of Even Angels Eat Beans revolves around two cops - David (Giuliano Gemma) and Joe (Bud Spencer) - who are assigned to break up a criminal gang known for stealing luxury cars. David is a slick, fast-talking detective who prefers to work alone and is always on the lookout for his next big score. Joe, on the other hand, is a burly, no-nonsense patrolman who likes to do things by the book.

The two cops find themselves at odds from the very beginning due to their contrasting personalities. However, when they are both framed for a crime they didn't commit, they must join forces to clear their names and take down the gang that set them up.

The plot of the movie is admittedly thin and predictable, but it is the chemistry between the two lead actors that makes the film worth watching. The banter between David and Joe is amusing, and their physical comedy is entertaining as well. Bud Spencer, in particular, steals every scene he's in with his deadpan humor and impressive physicality.

Even Angels Eat Beans is also notable for its use of location filming. The movie takes place in the scenic Italian countryside and features several exciting car chases through narrow city streets. The action scenes are well-staged and do not suffer from the low budget a film from the 70s would be expected to have. The climax of the film, in particular, is a standout sequence featuring a high-speed car chase that manages to be both thrilling and hilarious.

One of the most beloved aspects of Even Angels Eat Beans is its soundtrack. The music, composed by Francesco De Masi, is funky, upbeat, and perfectly captures the film's lighthearted tone. Even the title song of the movie, sung by the Italian pop singer Oliver Onions, is catchy and memorable.

Overall, Even Angels Eat Beans is a fun and enjoyable movie that is perfect for fans of Italian cinema or anyone looking for a good time. While it may not be the most groundbreaking film ever made, it succeeds in providing a good-natured mix of humor, action, and great chemistry between its lead actors, making it a beloved cult classic even to this day.

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  • Runtime
    2 hr 2 min