"Drama Drama" is a comedic drama about a Hollywood casting director trying to make a comeback by producing a musical. The movie follows the journey of Charlie (Cheri Oteri), a casting director who is stuck in a rut after losing her job and struggling to find meaningful work. In a moment of inspiration, she decides to produce a musical and recruit a group of talented yet inexperienced actors to star in her production.
The story picks up when Charlie meets her leading lady, Mia (Cinta Laura Kiehl), who is fresh out of college and has never acted before. Mia is desperate to break into the business and seize the opportunity to play the lead role in Charlie's musical. With the help of a passionate choreographer and a musician turned composer, Charlie works tirelessly with the cast to prepare for their debut.
As they work together, the cast is forced to confront their insecurities and overcome the various roadblocks that threaten to derail the production. Mia struggles with stage fright, while other characters experience family drama and romantic complications. Throughout it all, Charlie juggles the demands of putting on a show with her own personal struggles, including financial difficulties and a strained relationship with her daughter.
"Drama Drama" is an incredibly fun and engaging movie that balances heartfelt moments with sharp comedic writing. The performances are all excellent, with Cheri Oteri and Cinta Laura Kiehl being particular standouts. Oteri brings a ferocious energy to the role of Charlie, imbuing her character with equal parts grit and vulnerability. Kiehl, on the other hand, shines as Mia, capturing the nervous energy and wide-eyed wonder of a young actress breaking into show business.
Beyond the performances, what truly makes "Drama Drama" stand out is its focus on the creative process of producing a theatrical performance. The movie does an excellent job of depicting the ups and downs of putting on a show, from casting to rehearsals to the eventual opening night. The musical numbers are catchy and well-choreographed, and the movie does an excellent job of bringing the world of a theater production to life.
Of course, "Drama Drama" is not without its flaws. While the script is generally solid, some of the characters feel underdeveloped, and there are a few plot threads that feel unresolved by the movie's end. Additionally, the film's pacing can be a bit uneven at times, with some scenes dragging on longer than necessary.
Despite these minor quibbles, "Drama Drama" is a heartfelt and enjoyable movie that is sure to leave you feeling good. It's a story about the power of art and the importance of pursuing one's dreams, even when faced with insurmountable odds. The movie is a testament to the talent and hard work that goes into putting on a show, and it's sure to inspire anyone who has ever dreamed of making it in show business.
In summary, "Drama Drama" is a lighthearted and engaging movie that captures the spirit of the theatrical production process. With great performances and plenty of laughs, it's a movie that is sure to appeal to anyone who loves theater or just wants to be entertained.
Drama Drama is a 2021 drama with a runtime of 1 hour and 44 minutes. It has received mostly poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 4.7.
CastAna GoljaCheri OteriMichelle DeFraites
DirectorMartin Guigui
Release Date2021
Runtime1 hr 44 min
IMDB Rating4.7 (139)
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