Devil On The Mountain

Watch Devil On The Mountain

  • 2006
  • 1 hr 30 min

Devil On The Mountain is a thrilling horror movie that takes place in the wilderness of the Rocky Mountains. The film, directed by Jared Cohn, stars Lance Henriksen as Ranger Hendricks and Cerina Vincent as Emma, a young woman who becomes stranded in the mountains after a snowstorm. The movie begins with a group of hikers who are making their way through the mountains. They stumble upon an abandoned mine and decide to explore it. However, as they delve deeper into the mine, they begin to discover that there is something sinister lurking inside. The group is attacked by an unseen force, and the survivors are forced to flee the mine.

Meanwhile, Emma is driving through the mountains on her way to her family's cabin when she gets caught in a snowstorm. Her car skids off the road and she finds herself stranded in the wilderness. With no cell phone reception and no way to call for help, Emma is forced to make her way through the snow on foot.

As she struggles to survive in the harsh mountain environment, she senses that she is not alone. Someone, or something, is watching her from the shadows. And as the days pass, Emma begins to uncover clues that suggest that the abandoned mine might be connected to her ordeal.

Eventually, Emma stumbles upon Ranger Hendricks, who is out searching for the missing hikers. Hendricks agrees to help Emma find her way back to civilization, but as they make their way through the mountains, they too begin to experience strange and terrifying phenomena. It becomes clear that there is something malevolent in the mountains, something that is hunting them all.

The movie is a well-crafted horror film that features solid performances from both Lance Henriksen and Cerina Vincent. The story is tense and atmospheric, with plenty of jump scares and moments of genuine suspense. The film's setting in the Rocky Mountains adds to the sense of isolation and dread, and the abandoned mine makes for a suitably creepy location.

One of the strengths of Devil On The Mountain is its pacing. The movie slowly builds the tension, allowing viewers to get to know the characters and become invested in their survival. And when the horror kicks into high gear, the film doesn't let up, delivering a series of heart-pounding set pieces that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

Another strength of the film is its exploration of themes related to isolation and survival. Emma's struggle to survive in the wilderness is a gripping and harrowing journey, and her interactions with Ranger Hendricks highlight the importance of human connection in times of crisis.

On the downside, some viewers might find the movie's reliance on jump scares and horror movie tropes to be predictable. There are moments in the film that feel like they've been lifted from other horror movies, and some of the characters' decisions feel like they are motivated more by the needs of the script than by logic.

That being said, Devil On The Mountain is a solid entry in the horror movie genre. Its tense atmosphere, strong performances, and themes of isolation and survival make it a movie that horror fans will want to check out. Whether you're a fan of psychological horror, creature features, or survival thrillers, Devil On The Mountain has something to offer.

Devil On The Mountain is a 2006 science fiction movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Where to Watch Devil On The Mountain
Devil On The Mountain is available to watch free on Tubi TV and Vudu Free. It's also available to stream, download and buy on demand at Amazon Prime and Amazon. Some platforms allow you to rent Devil On The Mountain for a limited time or purchase the movie and download it to your device.
  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 30 min