
Watch Derelict

  • 2019
  • 1 hr 20 min
  • 3.9  (264)

Derelict is a 2017 horror movie that revolves around a spaceship named the Artemis. The plot centers on the Artemis's sole survivor, Kate (Victoria Hopkins), who returns to the vessel after it went missing for three years. She and a hired crew, consisting of reluctant captain, Jack (Tristan Balz), his loyal friend and right-hand man, Taff (James Broadhurst), and a former engineer turned drug addict, Carter (Justin Burford), embark on a mission to retrieve valuable cargo from the Artemis.

The movie opens with Kate, barely alive and in a state of shock, being rescued by another spaceship as she drifts toward the abyss of space. After her recovery, she convinces her boss, Mr. Benjamin (Paul Tucker), to fund a mission to investigate the Artemis. Kate insists that the Artemis's disappearance and the dark forces responsible for it must be uncovered in order for the company's future space ventures to be deemed safe.

As the team approaches the Artemis, they begin to investigate and search various areas of the vessel. However, while the team is conducting their search, they begin to realize that things are not quite as they seem. The Artemis is completely devoid of human presence, and the crew soon discovers that they are not alone on the ship.

Derelict's atmosphere is incredibly tense and moody; the viewer can feel the isolation and claustrophobia of being stranded in space without any help or communication. The movie's tension is further heightened by the subtle and eerie sound design, as well as the hauntingly beautiful visuals that add to the feeling of being completely alone in the vastness of space.

As the crew continues their mission, they begin to experience strange phenomena, which begin to affect their state of mind. Their communication systems stop working, the gravity on the ship begins to be erratic, and they begin to have horrific visions that immerse them in a nightmarish world. These occurrences all serve to heighten the viewer's sense of dread and unease.

Derelict's acting is convincing and effective for the most part, with standout performances from Victoria Hopkins, who plays the traumatized Kate, and Tristan Balz, who gives a solid turn as Jack, the reluctant captain. James Broadhurst and Justin Burford deliver strong performances as well as the loyal Taff and the unreliable and drug addicted Carter, respectively.

The movie's script, written by Cristian Broadhurst, takes several twists and turns, keeping the viewer guessing throughout. The themes of isolation and desperation in space are explored throughout the film, and the movie delves into the mental turmoil that comes with such an extended period of isolation.

The costumes and set design are impressive, especially considering the film's modest budget. They add to the movie's overall sense of realism and immersion in the universe that the director, Christopher James Gulino, has created.

In conclusion, Derelict is a well-executed horror movie that impresses in terms of its technical prowess, acting, and storyline. The film's themes of isolation, desperation, and mental breakdown are delivered convincingly, and its tension and sense of unease are sure to make viewers uncomfortable. The movie's final act delivers a satisfying twist that provides a fitting conclusion to this haunting space drama. Derelict is a must-watch for space-horror enthusiasts and anyone looking for an intense, brooding, and claustrophobic take on the genre.

Derelict is a 2019 horror movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 20 minutes. It has received mostly poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 3.9.

Where to Watch Derelict
Derelict is available to watch free on Tubi TV. It's also available to stream, download and buy on demand at Amazon Prime, Amazon and Vudu. Some platforms allow you to rent Derelict for a limited time or purchase the movie and download it to your device.
  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 20 min
  • IMDB Rating
    3.9  (264)