Dentist on the Job

Watch Dentist on the Job

"For The First Time In Your Life...You'll Really Laugh!"
  • NR
  • 1961
  • 1 hr 28 min
  • 5.2  (318)

Dentist on the Job is a British comedy film from 1961 directed by C.M. Pennington-Richards. The film stars Bob Monkhouse, Kenneth Connor and Shirley Eaton. The plot of the film revolves around a group of dental students who go to Paris to take part in a dental conference. The group is led by the overly eager and slightly hapless Tony Baker (Bob Monkhouse), who is easily distracted by beautiful women.

Things start to go wrong almost immediately, with the group's first train journey to Paris ending in disaster. They have to split up and find alternative routes to get there. Once they arrive, they discover that their hotel is overbooked, so they have to share rooms, which leads to all kinds of comedic misunderstandings.

Despite these setbacks, the group manages to attend the conference, and they are even given the opportunity to demonstrate some of their dental techniques. However, things once again go awry when they accidentally knock out a wealthy patient who was hoping to have his teeth whitened.

The group then gets involved with a gang of art thieves, who ask them to use their dental expertise to help them steal a valuable painting. Tony and his friends are hesitant at first, but they end up agreeing to help, leading to a series of comedic hijinks.

One of the standout performances in the film comes from Kenneth Connor, who plays the bumbling dental student David Parkkali. Connor's physical comedy is a highlight of the film, and he manages to steal every scene he's in.

Meanwhile, Shirley Eaton plays the role of the seductive hotel owner's daughter, who catches Tony's eye. Eaton's character is instrumental in moving the plot forward, and her beauty and charm add an extra layer of lightheartedness to the film.

Overall, Dentist on the Job is a fun and enjoyable comedy that provides plenty of laughs. While some of the humor may feel dated to modern audiences, the film's charm and energy make it well worth a watch for fans of classic British comedy.

Dentist on the Job
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  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    1 hr 28 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    5.2  (318)