friction 414
I am 36 and i saw the movie when i was young probably like 13. But i think this is one of my favs because its as real as it comes in the movie bizz. Today you see nothing but CGI and green svreen although i love some of those movies as well this is a NO B.S. kind of flick, awesome.

Victoria P
This is one of my fav movies of all time! It combines comedy w the serious topuc of how each of lives our own lives. Some of us are more self centered, while others are more giving and 'Other' oriented. While I am not a Religious person per se, I do believe in Karma, the Law of Cause and Effect, which we all experience in this Earthly Life and, perhaps, in another

Fred DeCanio
A Hollywood look at SPIRITUAL,. EVOLUTION. I was moved by the scene at the end, where Albert Brooks jumps on the tram carrying Meryl Streep. As he struggles to enter the tram and embrace her, she yells, "Don't let go". The door, finally opens and the DIVINE MARRIAGE manifests. What a metaphor on life, Don't Let Go!