Deep Web - The dark side of the Internet

Watch Deep Web - The dark side of the Internet

  • 2017
  • 4 hr

Deep Web: The Dark Side of the Internet is a provocative documentary by Alex Winter that explores the complex and often misunderstood world of the Deep Web. The film features interviews with a variety of experts, including journalists, activists, and anonymous sources, who shed light on the murky world of online criminals, privacy advocates, and government surveillance.

The Deep Web, also known as the Dark Web, is the portion of the Internet that is not indexed by traditional search engines like Google. This hidden network can only be accessed with special software and is notorious for being the home of illegal activities such as drug sales, weapons sales, and human trafficking. But while the Deep Web is often associated with criminal activity, it is also used by government agencies, journalists, and dissidents who need to protect their online communications from prying eyes.

The film begins with a brief overview of the history of the internet, and how the Deep Web came to exist. The first half of the film focuses on the Silk Road, an online black market that allowed users to buy and sell drugs using the crypto-currency Bitcoin. Winter uses archival footage and interviews with those involved with the Silk Road, including Ross Ulbricht, the founder of the site, who was arrested and sentenced to life in prison for his role in the operation.

From there, the film delves into the wider world of the Deep Web, exploring the various ways it is used, both for good and for ill. Some of the topics covered include privacy and encryption, whistleblowing and Anonymous, the role of the Tor network in online anonymity, and the use of the Deep Web by political dissidents and activists.

Throughout the film, Winter does an excellent job of balancing the viewpoints of his various interviewees, presenting a nuanced view of the complex issues surrounding the Deep Web. Some of the experts he interviews include security researcher Bruce Schneier, Tor developer Roger Dingledine, and journalist Andy Greenberg, who has written extensively on the Silk Road and other aspects of the Deep Web.

One of the major themes of the film is the battle between privacy and security. While many people use the Deep Web to maintain their privacy and avoid government surveillance, others use it to engage in criminal activity or plan acts of terrorism. Winter explores this tension through interviews with sources on both sides of the debate, and leaves it up to the viewer to decide where they stand.

Another important theme is the role of anonymity online. While anonymity can be a powerful tool for protecting free speech and political dissidence, it can also be used by criminals to avoid prosecution. Winter highlights this tension through interviews with both privacy activists and law enforcement officials, who often have conflicting views on the value of online anonymity.

Overall, Deep Web: The Dark Side of the Internet is a thought-provoking and well-crafted documentary that explores one of the most complex and controversial issues of our time. While it won't provide easy answers, it will certainly leave viewers with a deeper understanding of the complex issues at play in the world of the Deep Web.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    4 hr