Dead Space: Downfall is an animated horror movie that was released in 2008. The film serves as a prequel to the original Dead Space video game, and follows a group of mining ship crew members who discover a mysterious alien artifact that unleashes a deadly virus. The movie starts off by introducing us to the mining ship USG Ishimura, which is on a mission to extract resources from a planet located deep in space. The ship's crew is made up of a mix of military personnel, scientists, and engineers who are all working together to accomplish their mission.
Things start to go wrong when the crew discovers a strange alien artifact on the planet's surface. As they bring it back to the ship, they discover that it is not only alive but also incredibly dangerous. The artifact unleashes a deadly virus that starts to infect members of the crew one by one, turning them into horrific monsters known as Necromorphs.
The story revolves around the ship's security officer, Alissa Vincent, who is tasked with keeping the crew safe and finding a way to contain the virus. Along with her team of soldiers, Alissa must fight off the increasingly dangerous Necromorphs while also trying to figure out how to stop the artifact's effects from spreading.
As the situation worsens, the crew starts to turn on each other and paranoia sets in. The characters are forced to confront their own fears, desires, and regrets as they fight for their survival in the face of unimaginable horror.
Throughout the movie, the audience is treated to some truly gruesome and disturbing visuals, including scenes of characters being torn apart by the Necromorphs. The animation is well-done and adds to the overall feeling of dread and unease.
The voice acting is also top-notch, with notable performances from Nika Futterman as Alissa Vincent, Keith Szarabajka as the ship's captain, and Kevin Michael Richardson as the ship's doctor. Jim Cummings also delivers a memorable performance as the voice of the artifact, adding a layer of sinister mystery to the proceedings.
Overall, Dead Space: Downfall is an enjoyable horror movie that will appeal to fans of the Dead Space video games and the genre as a whole. While it's certainly not for the faint of heart, those who can stomach the gore and violence will find a well-crafted tale of survival and horror in deep space.
Dead Space: Downfall is a 2008 animated movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 15 minutes. It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 6.3.
CastNika FuttermanKeith SzarabajkaJim CummingsKevin Michael Richardson
DirectorChuck Patton
Release Date2008
Runtime1 hr 15 min
IMDB Rating6.3 (10,259)
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