Day Ten - A Film by Arian Moayed - Official Selection 2014 Tribeca Film Festival

Watch Day Ten - A Film by Arian Moayed - Official Selection 2014 Tribeca Film Festival

  • 10 min

Day Ten is a dramatic film directed by Arian Moayed that explores the complex themes of grief, loss, and redemption. The film centers on the character of Alex (played by Omar Metwally), a man who has lost his wife in a tragic accident and finds himself struggling to come to terms with the reality of his new life. The story takes place over a ten-day period, beginning with the day of Alex's wife's funeral. As the days pass, Alex becomes increasingly isolated from the world around him, withdrawing into himself as he tries to make sense of what has happened and how he can move forward.

Throughout the film, we see Alex grappling with a range of emotions, from anger and denial to unbearable sadness and longing. He spends his time wandering aimlessly around the city, unable to find solace in his work or his relationships with others.

As the days go on, Alex begins to find a sense of purpose in the most unexpected of places. He meets a homeless man named Jim (played by Craig Bockhorn), who becomes a kind of unexpected mentor to him. Through their interactions, Alex discovers a newfound sense of empathy and compassion for others, and begins to open up to the world again.

Despite the weighty subject matter, Day Ten is a film that is ultimately hopeful and uplifting. Moayed skillfully weaves together moments of dark despair with glimpses of light and hope, creating a story that is both deeply affecting and ultimately life-affirming.

The performances in the film are uniformly excellent. Metwally delivers a nuanced and deeply felt portrayal of a man in the depths of grief, while Bockhorn brings an understated warmth and humor to his role as Jim.

The film is also notable for its striking visual style. Moayed uses a muted color palette and minimalist set design to create a sense of intimacy and introspection, while also utilizing beautiful shots of the New York City skyline to highlight the contrast between the vastness of the city and the smallness of Alex's personal struggle.

Overall, Day Ten is a powerful and moving film that deserves to be seen by a wide audience. It is a testament to the power of the human spirit to overcome even the most devastating of losses, and a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope.

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  • Runtime
    10 min