Dada Thakur

Watch Dada Thakur

  • 2001
  • 2 hr 33 min

Dada Thakur is a 2001 Bengali language film directed by Prashanta Nanda and starring Arpita Pal and Ranjit Mallick. The film tells the story of a privileged young woman named Chaitali, who has grown up away from the troubles of the world, but returns to her roots in a rural village to reconnect with her roots. Upon arriving in the village, Chaitali is witness to the stark contrast between her life of luxury and the poverty that surrounds her. The villagers live in a constant state of fear and oppression, as they are at the mercy of corrupt landlords who exert their power over them. Chaitali's father, Dada Thakur, is one such landlord.

Despite being initially hesitant to become involved in her father's business affairs, Chaitali discovers the harsh realities of her father's regime when she witnesses the murder of a young boy who dared to speak out against his oppressive treatment. Horrified by what she has witnessed, Chaitali is determined to put an end to the injustice and restore peace to the village.

With the help of her childhood friend, Soumen, Chaitali embarks on a mission to stand up against her father and his cronies, defying her well-meaning but misguided father and using her privilege and wealth to fight for the impoverished villagers. Together, they face numerous obstacles, including betrayal, violence, and powerful enemies, but ultimately their determination to bring justice prevails.

The film is a powerful commentary on the complexities of power, privilege, and social justice. It explores the tensions between tradition and modernity, wealth and poverty, and the cost of standing up for what one believes in. The performances of the cast, particularly Arpita Pal and Ranjit Mallick, are incredibly engrossing, and the film's cinematography captures the raw beauty and harsh realities of rural India.

Ultimately, Dada Thakur is a film that highlights the importance of speaking up against injustice, no matter the cost, and the power of standing up for the rights of the oppressed. It is a relevant message to this day, and a powerful testament to the enduring relevance of Indian cinema.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    2 hr 33 min