Cursed Seat

Watch Cursed Seat

  • 2017
  • 1 hr 31 min

Cursed Seat is a Russian horror film that was released in 2020. The movie is directed by Ilya Platonov, and it stars a talented cast, including Alexander Zamyatin, Olga Medynich, and Yana Sotnikova. It is a film that seeks to explore the futility of human desires and the dangers of greed and recklessness. The movie begins with a group of friends who decide to visit a remote village in search of a cursed car seat. The seat is said to have been involved in a fatal accident many years ago, and it is believed to have kept the soul of the victim trapped inside. The group is made up of mostly young men who are looking for some excitement and adventure, and they are led by a man named Vadik, who is obsessed with the legend of the cursed seat.

Once they arrive in the village, they begin to ask around for information about the location of the seat. They are met with a lot of skepticism and fear, as the villagers warn them against meddling with it. However, the group persists and eventually finds the seat hidden in a shed in the middle of a forest. They take it back to their campsite, where they begin to experience strange and terrifying occurrences.

One by one, the members of the group begin to succumb to the curse of the seat. The soul of the victim trapped inside begins to exact its revenge on those who have disturbed it. As the group becomes more desperate to survive, they begin to turn on each other, revealing the ugly side of their personalities. The tension builds as they realize that they are trapped in a deadly game of survival, with no hope of escape.

The movie is a classic example of Russian horror, with its emphasis on psychological terror and suspense-building. It is a slow-burn horror that takes its time to set up the atmosphere and build tension. The film's visuals are stunning, with breathtaking shots of the Russian countryside and imaginative use of lighting and color.

What sets Cursed Seat apart from other horror movies is its emphasis on character development. The group is made up of individuals with their own unique personalities and flaws, and the movie explores how their individual desires and motivations lead them to their ultimate fates. The use of flashbacks and dream sequences adds depth to the characters and helps to explain their actions.

Overall, Cursed Seat is a well-crafted horror film that offers a fresh take on the genre. Its use of character development and slow-building suspense makes it stand out from other horror movies that rely solely on jump scares and gore. While the movie may be too slow-paced for some viewers, it is a satisfying and thought-provoking horror that will linger in your mind long after the credits roll.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 31 min