In the movie Curse of the Puppet Master, a young man named Robert "Tank" Winsley inherits a marionette theater from his grandfather. However, he soon discovers that the puppets in the theater have a life of their own and are controlled by a mysterious force that seems to originate from a strange puppet maker named Dr. Magrew. Despite the warnings of his girlfriend, Anne, and his best friend, Jason, Tank becomes increasingly fascinated with the puppets and their apparent power. He soon learns that Dr. Magrew has been using the puppets to terrorize and even kill people for his own twisted purposes.
As Tank delves deeper into the mystery surrounding the puppets, he finds himself becoming more and more connected to them, struggling to resist their pull even as they become increasingly dangerous. With the help of Anne and Jason, Tank must confront Dr. Magrew and the puppets before they destroy everything he holds dear.
The movie is a mix of horror and suspense, with a healthy dose of supernatural elements thrown in. The puppets themselves are both creepy and intriguing, and the special effects used to bring them to life are impressive. The movie also features some solid performances from the cast, particularly George Peck as Dr. Magrew, who manages to be both sinister and sympathetic at the same time.
One of the standout features of the movie is its unique take on the puppet master trope. Rather than simply being a skilled craftsman, Dr. Magrew is a deeply troubled and flawed character, making his control over the puppets all the more unsettling.
Overall, Curse of the Puppet Master is a well-crafted horror film that is sure to appeal to fans of the genre. It has a strong cast, compelling storyline, and plenty of scares to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. If you're looking for a creepy movie that's not afraid to take risks, this one is definitely worth checking out.
Curse of the Puppet Master is a 1998 horror movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 17 minutes. It has received mostly poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 4.1.
CastGeorge PeckEmily HarrisonJosh GreenMichael Guerin
DirectorDavid DeCoteau
Release Date1998
MPAA RatingR
Runtime1 hr 17 min
IMDB Rating4.1 (2,545)
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