Coffee Date is a romantic comedy film from 2006, directed by Stewart Wade, that follows the life of Todd, a straight man who has been set up by his brother on a coffee date with a man named Kelly, whom he thinks is gay. Todd's brother, Barry, is convinced that his brother is gay and tries to set him up with men, though Todd persists in his claims that he is not.
The movie is star-studded, featuring Jonathan Bray as the lead character Todd, Wilson Cruz as Kelly, and Jonathan Silverman as Barry. The performances of these actors are commendable and play an integral part in the success of the movie.
From the very beginning of the movie, Todd is made to believe that he is on a date with a gay man, despite being straight himself. Todd initially tries to avoid talking to Kelly or engaging with him, claiming that he is only there for the coffee. However, as the movie progresses, the two men begin to open up to each other, and Todd starts to learn more about Kelly's life.
Kelly is an openly gay man, and the movie explores the stereotypes and prejudices that Todd has towards gay men. Through Kelly's stories and experiences, Todd realizes that he has been holding onto hurtful stereotypes and learns to be more accepting of the LGBTQ community.
The chemistry between Todd and Kelly is palpable, and the humor in their interactions is fantastic. Todd is a likable character who is initially hesitant to interact with Kelly but soon realizes that their growing friendship is worth pursuing. Kelly is an upbeat and warm individual who exudes positivity and encourages Todd to explore his emotions and be more comfortable with himself and his sexuality.
The movie features several supporting characters, including Barry, Todd's brother, who is convinced that Todd is gay, despite his claims to the contrary. The dynamic between Todd and Barry is hilarious, with the former vehemently denying his brother's accusations and the latter being equally determined to prove him wrong. The other characters in the movie, including a group of Kelly's friends and Todd's coworkers, offer an insightful look into the lives of LGBTQ individuals and their struggles.
Aside from the romance and the comedic elements of the movie, Coffee Date also tackles some serious themes, including homophobia, discrimination, and prejudice. It highlights the need for understanding and acceptance, not just between different sexual orientations but also between people with varying beliefs and opinions.
In conclusion, Coffee Date is a delightful and heartwarming movie that explores love, friendship, and acceptance. The performances of the actors are brilliant, and the humor and depth of the script are fantastic. It is a must-watch for anyone who loves romantic comedies or wants to learn more about the LGBTQ community and their experiences.
Coffee Date is a 2006 comedy with a runtime of 1 hour and 34 minutes. It has received mostly poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 6.3 and a MetaScore of 47.
CastJonathan BrayJonathan SilvermanWilson Cruz
DirectorStewart Wade
Release Date2006
Runtime1 hr 34 min
IMDB Rating6.3 (1,528)
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