Cleopatra - A Portrait Of A Killer

Watch Cleopatra - A Portrait Of A Killer

  • 2009
  • 58 hr

Cleopatra one of history's greatest characters and Queen of Egypt, renowned for her beauty, her love affairs with Julius Caesar then Mark Anthony and for her sheer cunning. This remarkable film presented by Neil Oliver reveals the dark and ruthless side of history's great Queen. In a story that is part epic historical drama, part CSI investigation we reveal Cleopatra: Portrait of a Killer. It's a tale of sibling rivalry, of lust, incest, murder and power that destroyed an empire: an incredible true story about one of history's fascinating characters and a fight to the death with her sister that no Hollywood fiction could hope to match. Mythologised as the greatest love affair in history new evidence shows Cleopatra and Mark Anthony's passion would spill into cold-blooded murder. Through taut, stylish drama, and fascinating investigative documentary, this landmark event will reveal the darker side of love and power in the ancient world. The ground-breaking discovery of a mysterious tomb and a skeleton of a teenage girl who was the last pharaoh of Egypt tell an incredible tale of intrigue, incest, female rivalry and murder in the last days of Ancient Egypt.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    58 hr