Watch Cigars: The Heart and Soul of Cuba
- NR
- 2011
- 51 min
Cigars: The Heart and Soul of Cuba is a 2011 documentary film that explores the history and culture of Cuban cigars. The film is hosted by James Suckling, a renowned wine and cigar critic, who takes viewers on a journey through the tobacco fields and cigar factories of Cuba to showcase the traditional Cuban cigar-making process. The documentary begins with a brief introduction to the history of Cuban cigars, highlighting their significant impact on the country's economy and their cultural significance. Suckling then takes viewers on a tour of the tobacco fields, where he explains the different types of tobacco plants and how the leaves are harvested and processed.
Next, the documentary moves on to the cigar-making process, starting with the sorting and fermenting of the tobacco leaves. Suckling explains how the leaves are sorted by size, color, and texture, and then fermented in order to develop their unique flavors and aromas.
The film then moves on to the rolling of cigars, with Suckling observing master rollers at work in a traditional Cuban cigar factory. Viewers are able to see the skill and precision required to roll a perfect cigar, as well as the different types of cigars that are produced, including the beloved Cohiba.
Throughout the film, Suckling interviews various experts in the field of Cuban cigars, including tobacco growers, master rollers, and cigar aficionados. These interviews provide insight into the Cuban cigar industry and the passion that goes into the making of each cigar.
In addition to showcasing the cigar-making process, the film also explores the culture surrounding Cuban cigars. Suckling visits a cigar bar in Havana, where he enjoys a cigar and a glass of rum while chatting with locals. He also visits the El Laguito factory, where the Cohiba was created for Fidel Castro, and learns about the history and significance of this iconic cigar.
Overall, Cigars: The Heart and Soul of Cuba is an informative and engaging documentary that provides insight into the history, culture, and tradition of Cuban cigars. Whether you're a cigar aficionado or simply interested in the rich history and culture of Cuba, this film is definitely worth watching.