The movie Christmas 9 to 5 from 2019 is a light-hearted holiday-themed romantic comedy that will delight audiences with its humorous and heartwarming story. The movie follows the life of ambitious career woman, Jennifer (Tiya Sircar), who is determined to climb the corporate ladder and secure a big promotion. But when the unexpected happens and Jennifer's boss unexpectedly quits, leaving her in charge of a major Christmas party for the company's high-end clients, things start to unravel quickly.
Jennifer realizes soon that she cannot handle the task alone, and turns to her coworker and best friend, Brian (Joe Dinicol), for help. Together, they team up to ensure the party is a success, but Jennifer quickly realizes that Brian is more than just a colleague. As the two work together and spend more time with each other, their attraction grows, and they begin to see each other in a different light.
As the days count down to the Christmas party, Jennifer and Brian work tirelessly to get everything ready, but they are not without their fair share of setbacks and challenges along the way. The duo has to work through various obstacles to ensure a smooth exhibition, including a pushy and unreasonable client, wacky party performers, and other work-related issues that arise.
Despite the various obstacles, Jennifer and Brian manage to create a festive atmosphere, complete with Christmas decorations, lights and party activities that keep the guests entertained. But their unity towards the event of a lifetime is just the beginning of what they are to share.
Throughout this movie, viewers will experience all the emotions of the holiday season, from joy to disappointment and everything in between. It is a delightful tale that showcases the true meaning of Christmas, and drives home the point that nothing beats love, magic and teamwork.
The cast is led by Tiya Sircar who delivers a tremendous performance as Jennifer. Her acting skills are top-notch and she brings depth to her character that viewers will relate to. Sircar plays the role of a determined career woman with enthusiasm but softness when called for in romantic scenes. She is relatable and easy to connect with, making her an ideal fit for the role.
Joe Dinicol complements Sircar's performance with his portrayal of Brian, her best friend turned love interest. He exudes a charming energy that draws viewers in and keeps them hooked to the plot. His charisma and sense of humor add a layer of depth to Brian's character, making him a lovable and likable character throughout the movie.
George Wendt also adds great comic relief throughout the movie, playing the role of the fun Santa Claus who almost steals the show with his impeccable acting skills. He is an actor that knows how to deliver the right amount of levity and laughter to scenes to keep audiences engaged.
In conclusion, Christmas 9 to 5 is a fantastic holiday-themed movie that offers a balance of romance, humor, and drama. The storyline is engaging and offers twists and turns that will keep viewers guessing until the end. The Christmas-themed scenes are breathtaking and add a fitting background to a well-done script. Through Jennifer and Brian's journey, viewers will learn that love can be found in different places, including places you'd never expect.
Christmas 9 to 5 is a 2019 romance movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 27 minutes. It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 6.2.
CastTiya SircarGeorge WendtLara Jean Chorostecki
DirectorJill Carter
Release Date2019
Runtime1 hr 27 min
IMDB Rating6.2 (725)
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