Watch Burn
- 2022
- 1 hr 40 min
Burn is a gripping drama that explores the aftermath of a tragic event that shakes a small tight-knit community. Set in rural Appalachia, the film follows the lives of several individuals who are all impacted by the same unimaginable tragedy. The movie opens with a devastating fire that engulfs a local high school, leaving many students and teachers dead, injured, or traumatized. In the aftermath, the small town struggles to come to terms with the loss, and the survivors grapple with the guilt and grief that come with such a traumatic event.
At the center of the story is Patrick Lazzara's character, Tom, a former student who was once a star athlete at the school. Tom is haunted by the memories of the fire and the loss of his friends, and he spends his days drinking and getting into fights as he tries to come to terms with his own guilt and survivor's shame.
As the film progresses, we are introduced to a number of other characters who have all been affected by the fire in different ways. Dawn Barber plays Linda, a mother who lost her daughter in the fire and is desperate for answers about what really happened that day. Donnie Blankenship portrays Jake, a beloved teacher who was injured in the blaze and struggles to return to his former life. John Fava is James, a local pastor who tries to provide comfort and healing to the grieving community.
As the characters grapple with their pain, the film explores a number of weighty themes, from the nature of grief and healing to the ways in which trauma can impact a person's entire life. The acting is powerful and raw, with each member of the ensemble delivering a performance that feels deeply personal and honest.
One of the most striking aspects of Burn is its setting, which is captured in stunning detail by the filmmakers. From the rolling hills to the rundown bars and homes, the film portrays Appalachia with a gritty realism that is both beautiful and haunting. The soundtrack is similarly effective, with haunting original music by Eric Stayberg that adds an extra layer of emotional depth to the story.
Throughout the film, director Jadi Stuart skillfully navigates the tricky path between sentimentality and melodrama, never allowing the film to become bogged down in its own emotions. Instead, Burn remains a grounded and poignant exploration of the human experience, one that is sure to leave an lasting impact on audiences.
Overall, Burn is a powerful and moving drama that explores the aftermath of a devastating tragedy. The film pulls no punches in its depiction of grief and trauma, but ultimately provides a sense of hope and healing that feels both earned and deeply meaningful. For anyone who has ever experienced loss or struggled to find their way after a trauma, this film is a must-see.
Burn is a 2022 action movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 40 minutes.