Bucktown, U.S.A.

Watch Bucktown, U.S.A.

  • R
  • 1975
  • 1 hr 34 min

Bucktown, U.S.A. is a classic blaxploitation film that takes place in a small southern town. The movie centers around Duke Johnson (Fred Williamson), who is called back to his hometown of Bucktown by his brother, who has just died unexpectedly. Duke arrives to find that Bucktown has been taken over by corrupt white officials and that his brother was murdered by the police chief, who is now using Duke's brother's bar as a front for illegal gambling and prostitution.

Duke decides to take matters into his own hands and enlists the help of Roy (Thalmus Rasulala), a local activist who has been trying to rally the black community against the corrupt officials. Together, they gather a group of local men to fight back against the police and take control of their town.

As Duke and his crew begin to make progress, they attract the attention of the local crime boss, played by Tony King. Soon, Duke finds himself in the middle of a all-out war between the black community and the crime boss's thugs.

Along the way, Duke also finds love in the form of Aretha (Pam Grier), a beautiful young woman who works at his brother's bar. The two form a bond as they work together to take down the corrupt officials and restore justice to their town.

Bucktown, U.S.A. is a classic tale of good versus evil, with the black community struggling to overcome oppression and corruption. The film is filled with action-packed fight scenes, car chases, and shootouts, as well as some steamy love scenes between Duke and Aretha.

The all-star cast, including Pam Grier, Bernie Hamilton, Tony King, Thalmus Rasulala, and Fred Williamson, bring their A-game to the film, with each actor delivering a powerful performance. In particular, Pam Grier shines as the tough-talking, no-nonsense Aretha, who stands by Duke through thick and thin.

Overall, Bucktown, U.S.A. is a must-see for fans of blaxploitation films, as well as anyone who enjoys action-packed thrillers with a social justice message. The film is a thrilling ride from start to finish, and a testament to the power of community to overcome adversity.

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  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    1 hr 34 min