
Watch Broke

  • 2018
  • 55 min

Broke is a 2016 Australian drama film, written and directed by Heath Davis. The movie is a story of a former rugby league player who finds himself in a spiraling downfall, and his struggles to reestablish himself in life. The main character of the movie is Ben Kelly (played by Steve Le Marquand), who is a former football player. In his younger days, Ben had a successful career as a rugby league player, and was widely renowned in his community. However, a series of unfortunate events result in him losing everything he had. He has lost his money, job, friends, and family. Consequently, he is left with nothing much except a broken spirit and a shattered life.

The movie begins with Ben struggling to make ends meet, as he is in debt and is unable to pay his bills. He has a broken-down car, a dwindling bank account, and no one to rely on. He's homeless, hungry, and his only source of income comes from his odd job construction work, but it's not enough to get him out of his financial mess.

In an attempt to improve his situation, Ben decides to try his luck with online gambling which has disastrous consequences only making his situation worse. This leads him to spiral down even further, losing everything he owns, including his dignity.

Interestingly, amidst all the chaos, Ben finds solace in the company of his daughter, Kayla (played by Claire van der Boom). Kayla, who's only in her early 20s, is a high-class escort who is struggling to come to terms with her own life choices. Ben and Kayla bond over their struggles, and the movie explores their complex father-daughter relationship.

Throughout the movie, there are several subplots that revolve around Ben's struggle. The most intriguing one is the relationship between Ben and his estranged wife, Hope (played by Brendan Cowell). Even though the couple is separated, they still care for each other, and this is palpable in the way they interact. They have separated due to Ben's gambling addiction and Hope's unwillingness to put up with it any longer. This subplot showcases the various ways addiction can drive people apart, and how hard it can be to fix a marriage that's been broken by it.

The performances by the actors in Broke are highly engaging and emotional. Steve Le Marquand has delivered one of his finest performances in the lead role of Ben Kelly. His portrayal of a broken man who is trying to bounce back is both heartbreaking and touching. Claire van der Boom, who plays Kayla, is also impressive, and her chemistry with Le Marquand is palpable.

The movie has been shot beautifully, and the director, Heath Davis, has captured the essence of the Australian suburban landscape perfectly. The movie uses a muted color palette of blues and greys, which adds to the melancholic mood of the film. The sound design of the movie is also noteworthy, with some subtle but effective background scores that add to the emotional depth of the film.

In conclusion, Broke is an emotional and poignant portrayal of a former sportsman's life as he navigates his way through a downward spiral. The movie dives deep into the themes of addiction, betrayal, and redemption, and does so in a way that's both gripping and realistic. The movie showcases how hard it can be to come back from rock bottom, but also how through perseverance and hard work, redemption is possible.

If you're a fan of drama films with strong performances and relatable themes, Broke is a must-watch. The movie stands out as a gem in the Australian film industry, and it's definitely worth your time.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    55 min