Broadway Damage is a romantic comedy-drama film which was released in 1997. The film follows the story of three aspiring artists who share an apartment in New York City's East Village. The film is directed by Victor Mignatti and stars Mara Hobel, Michael Lucas, and Hugh Panaro in lead roles. The movie begins with the introduction of the three main characters, Marc (Lucas), Valerie (Hobel), and Max (Panaro). Marc is a struggling actor who works as a waiter to pay his bills. Valerie is a songwriter who works at a dead-end job in a music store, and Max is a gay dancer who works as a waiter in a gay club. They all share an apartment in East Village and dream of making it big in the entertainment industry.
The story takes a turn when Marc's ex-girlfriend arrives in the city, and he realizes that he still has feelings for her. Valerie, who secretly loves Marc, is heartbroken when she learns about his feelings for his ex-girlfriend. Max, on the other hand, meets a man named Ash (Austin Pendleton), who shows an interest in him. Max hesitates to get into a relationship because of his past experiences, but Ash is determined to win his heart.
The film explores the struggles and challenges faced by Marc, Valerie, and Max as they try to pursue their dreams in the cut-throat world of entertainment. The movie also deals with themes of love, heartbreak, and self-discovery. As the story unfolds, the characters learn important life lessons and grow as individuals.
One of the highlights of the film is the portrayal of the New York City's East Village scene, which was a prominent cultural hub in the late '90s. The film captures the essence of the city's vibrant and bohemian culture, which was the epicenter of the artistic and musical movements of the time. The movie also features some great musical performances, as the characters pursue their dreams of making it big in the music industry.
The film's cast is also a standout feature, with all the actors delivering strong performances. Mara Hobel, Michael Lucas, and Hugh Panaro bring depth and nuance to their characters, making them relatable and engaging. Austin Pendleton's portrayal of Ash is also noteworthy, as he brings a sense of charm and warmth to the character.
Overall, Broadway Damage is an entertaining and heartwarming film, which offers a glimpse into the struggles and joys of pursuing one's dreams. The movie's authentic portrayal of the New York City's East Village scene, coupled with its strong performances and engaging storyline, makes it a must-watch for fans of romantic comedies and indie films.
Broadway Damage is a 1997 comedy with a runtime of 1 hour and 50 minutes. It has received mostly positive reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 6.6.
CastMara HobelMichael LucasHugh Panaro
DirectorVictor Mignatti
Release Date1997
Runtime1 hr 50 min
IMDB Rating6.6 (702)
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