Blues Planet: Triptych

Watch Blues Planet: Triptych

  • 2017
  • 15 hr

Blues Planet: Triptych is a musical documentary film that takes the viewers on a journey to explore the world of blues and its influence on our planet. The movie is a collaboration of music, art, and science, narrated by none other than Academy Award winner Morgan Freeman. The film features three celebrated artists: Willie K., Taj Mahal, and Wyland. Willie K. is a native Hawaiian artist who is considered as one of the finest blues musicians of our time. Taj Mahal, on the other hand, is a legendary musician known for his unique fusion of blues, world music, and African rhythms. Wyland is a well-known marine life artist and conservationist who has been creating artworks for over 40 years.

Blues Planet: Triptych is divided into three parts or triptychs, each featuring one artist and exploring a specific theme related to blues and our planet. The first triptych features Willie K. and is titled "Blues and the ocean." Here, the viewers get to see Willie K. performing his soulful music on the beaches of Maui while Wyland paints a beautiful mural inspired by the ocean's vibrant marine life. The triptych also delves into the importance of protecting our oceans and marine life, highlighting the ongoing efforts of conservationists and marine biologists.

The second triptych features Taj Mahal and is titled "Blues and the rainforest." In this part, Taj Mahal takes the viewers on a musical journey through the Amazon rainforest, exploring the sounds and rhythms of the region's indigenous music. The triptych also emphasizes the need to preserve the rainforest and its inhabitants, highlighting the role of indigenous communities and ecologists in preserving the ecological balance.

The third and final triptych features Wyland and is titled "Blues and the wildlife." This part takes the viewers on a journey to different parts of the world, showcasing the beauty and diversity of our planet's wildlife. The triptych also examines the challenges and threats faced by endangered species and emphasizes the importance of conservation efforts.

What makes Blues Planet: Triptych unique is its interdisciplinary approach to storytelling. The filmmakers combine music, art, and science to create a thought-provoking and visually stunning documentary that is both entertaining and informative. The film also serves as a wake-up call to the viewers, urging them to take action to protect our planet's fragile ecosystems and preserve its cultural heritage.

Overall, Blues Planet: Triptych is a must-watch for anyone who loves music, art, and nature. The film's message of conservation and ecological awareness is more relevant today than ever before, making it a timely and important addition to the documentary genre.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    15 hr