Bangalore Naatkal is a 2016 Tamil film that tells a heartwarming story of three cousins who reunite after years of being apart. The film features a talented cast of actors including Arya, Sri Divya, and Bobby Simha. The story revolves around three cousins: Arjun (Arya), Divya (Sri Divya), and Kannan (Bobby Simha), who were close during their childhood days but drifted apart as they grew up. They reunite after years at their grandmother's funeral in Bangalore, and they take a trip down the memory lane to relive their old memories.
Arjun, the adventurous and spontaneous cousin, left the country to fulfill his dream of becoming a bike racer. In contrast, Kannan, the responsible and reserved cousin, is settled in his life, working in the US. Meanwhile, Divya, a bubbly and outgoing woman, is engaged to Sanjay (Rana Daggubati), a successful businessman.
As the cousins reunite, they catch up on each other's lives and reminisce about their past experiences. However, as the story progresses, they face some unexpected challenges that test their relationships and make them question their choices.
One of the main themes of the film is the importance of family, and it portrays how the cousins bond and support each other through thick and thin. The film also explores the conflicts between modern and traditional values and how it affects family relationships.
The movie features some beautiful locations in Bangalore, and the cinematography is excellent. The music composed by Gopi Sunder is catchy and adds to the overall charm of the film. The performances by the lead actors are also top-notch, and they successfully bring their characters to life.
Overall, Bangalore Naatkal is an entertaining film that celebrates the spirit of family and friendship. The narrative is engaging, and the film succeeds in striking a balance between humor and emotion. If you're looking for a feel-good movie that will leave you with a smile on your face, then Bangalore Naatkal is a must-watch.
Bangalore Naatkal is a 2016 comedy with a runtime of 2 hours and 29 minutes. It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 5.7.
CastAryaSri DivyaBobby Simha
Release Date2016
Runtime2 hr 29 min
IMDB Rating5.7 (620)
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