Apocalypse Road is a 2016 post-apocalyptic thriller film written and directed by Brett Bentman. The movie stars Katie Kohler as Sam, a woman who finds herself fighting for survival in a brutal, lawless world where gangs of armed men rule the highways. The film also features Ashlyn McEvers as Ian, Sam's sister, and Lance De Los Santos as Levi, a mysterious stranger who joins the sisters on their journey.
The movie is set in a desolate wasteland that was once the United States. The cause of the apocalypse is never revealed, but it's clear that civilization has largely collapsed. The story follows Sam and Ian as they travel through this dangerous landscape, looking for a safe place to call home. Along the way, they cross paths with Levi, a tough and enigmatic loner who saves them from a gang of violent bandits.
Sam, Ian, and Levi join forces and set out on a perilous journey that takes them through barren deserts, crumbling cities, and abandoned towns. They encounter all manner of dangers along the way, from crazed survivalists to ruthless warlords. The trio is forced to fight for their lives at every turn, using all of their wits and skills to stay alive.
The film's action sequences are intense and gritty, with plenty of shootouts, car chases, and hand-to-hand combat. The violence is unrelenting, and the movie does not shy away from showing the brutality of this harsh new world. But there are also moments of quiet reflection and emotional depth, as the characters struggle with their fears, doubts, and past traumas.
Katie Kohler delivers a powerful performance as Sam, a tough and resourceful woman who has survived against all odds. She is haunted by the loss of her daughter, and this tragedy has made her both fiercely protective of those she loves and deeply scarred. Ashlyn McEvers brings a vulnerability and warmth to Ian, Sam's younger sister. Ian is more innocent and naive than Sam, and her journey is one of growth and discovery. Lance De Los Santos is excellent as Levi, a man who is equal parts dangerous and kind. Levi has his own secrets and demons, but his loyalty to Sam and Ian is unwavering.
The cinematography in Apocalypse Road is stunning, with wide shots of the breathtaking landscape and closeups that capture the emotions and expressions of the characters. The movie's score is also a standout, with haunting melodies that amplify the tension and drama of the story.
Overall, Apocalypse Road is a tense and engaging thriller that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. It's a movie that doesn't pull any punches, and it's not for the faint of heart. But for those who can handle the brutality, it's a journey worth taking. The film's themes of survival, family, and redemption will resonate with viewers long after the credits roll.
Apocalypse Road is a 2017 science fiction movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 27 minutes. It has received mostly poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 3.4.
CastKatie KohlerAshlyn McEversLance De Los Santos
DirectorBrett Bentman
Release Date2017
Runtime1 hr 27 min
IMDB Rating3.4 (145)
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