Answers to Nothing is a compelling and intricate drama that interweaves the lives of several individuals in Los Angeles, all of whom are struggling with their own personal demons and emotional traumas. The film begins with a couple, Drew (Julie Benz) and Ryan (Greg Germann), who are struggling in their marriage. Drew is a successful lawyer who is consumed by her work, while Ryan is a musician who is struggling to find his place in the world. As they try to work through their problems, they begin to explore the possibility of having a baby, but their efforts are complicated by a devastating secret that threatens to tear them apart.
Meanwhile, a young girl named Abby (Caitlin Gerard) is struggling to cope with the trauma of her parents' divorce and her mother's subsequent drug addiction. She seeks solace in her friendship with a troubled homeless man named Carter (Mark Kelly), but her attempts to help him only lead to further complications and danger.
As the various characters navigate their own personal struggles, a mystery unfolds in the background involving a missing girl named Kate. Detective Frankie (Elizabeth Mitchell) is tasked with investigating the case and finds herself drawn into the lives of the other characters in unexpected ways. Along the way, she meets a man named Ethan (Sam Page) who is dealing with his own grief and guilt, and the two begin to form a connection that could lead to healing and redemption.
Throughout the film, the characters struggle with difficult questions about life, love, and loss. Drew must confront her own workaholism and learn to open up to her husband, while Ryan must come to terms with his own feelings of inadequacy and fear of failure. Abby and Carter must navigate their own complex relationship, and learn to trust each other despite the obstacles in their path. Meanwhile, Ethan and Detective Frankie grapple with their own demons as they try to solve the mystery of Kate's disappearance and find a way to move forward from their painful pasts.
As the film reaches its conclusion, the characters come together in unexpected ways, their lives intersecting and intertwining in a beautiful and moving portrayal of the complexities of the human experience. Ultimately, Answers to Nothing is a powerful meditation on the nature of love, forgiveness, and redemption, and a beautiful testament to the resiliency of the human spirit in the face of even the most devastating adversity.
Answers to Nothing is a 2011 drama. It has received mostly poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 5.0 and a MetaScore of 29.
CastSam PageCaitlin GerardChuck McCollum
DirectorMatthew Leutwyler
Release Date2011
MPAA RatingR
IMDB Rating5.0 (1,126)
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