Anhey Ghorhey Da Daan

Watch Anhey Ghorhey Da Daan

  • NR
  • 2011
  • 1 hr 48 min

Anhey Ghorhey Da Daan is a contemplative and poignant film directed by Gurvinder Singh that portrays the challenges faced by marginalised communities in Punjab, India. The movie follows the story of a manual labourer, named Melu, who hails from a lower-caste family and works in a dairy farm owned by an upper-caste landlord. The film opens on a cloudy and rainy day in a rural village in Punjab, where Melu (played by Samuel John) is getting ready for work. We see him preparing to leave his small house in the early hours of the morning, carrying his lunch and a few other belongings. As Melu walks the desolate streets of the village, we get to witness the hardships he and his family face on a daily basis, such as poor sanitation and lack of access to clean drinking water.

The movie highlights the complex caste system that exists in India, which often manifests itself in the form of discrimination and regressive attitudes towards people from lower-caste families. Melu’s journey to work is further highlighted by a series of bureaucratic hurdles he faces, such as having to negotiate with the driver of a public transport vehicle who refuses to let lower-caste people on board.

As Melu arrives at the dairy farm, we get to see the stark contrast between the living conditions of the upper-caste landlord and the lower-caste labourers. While Melu and his family live in a small and cramped house, the landlord’s house is grand and spacious, with all the modern amenities one can imagine. Despite this, Melu strives to work hard and make a living to support his family.

Throughout the movie, we get to see the microcosm of society that exists within the dairy farm, with upper-caste workers treating lower-caste workers with disdain and disrespect. Melu tries to navigate this difficult environment while also grappling with his own personal problems, such as his father’s failing health and the looming threat of eviction from his small house.

The movie also tackles various themes such as urbanisation, evictions, and how caste divides Indian society. The director uses a slow-paced, contemplative narrative style that allows the audience to immerse themselves in the characters’ lives and understand their struggles. The movie is not meant to be a fast-paced and action-packed film, but rather an immersive and reflective experience that will leave a lasting impression on the viewer.

Anhey Ghorhey Da Daan won several awards, including Best Direction at the 59th National Film Awards, and is widely regarded as a masterpiece of Indian cinema. The movie is a must-watch for those who seek to understand the complex realities of marginalised communities in India and the impacts of the caste system on their lives.

Overall, Anhey Ghorhey Da Daan is a deeply compassionate movie that puts a spotlight on the often-overlooked struggles of people from lower-caste backgrounds. It is a must-watch for those who appreciate slow-paced, nuanced storytelling and beautiful cinematography that captures the essence of life in rural India.

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  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    1 hr 48 min