All The Reasons To Forget

Watch All The Reasons To Forget

  • 2017
  • 1 hr 29 min
  • 6.2  (556)

All The Reasons To Forget is a Brazilian romantic comedy film released in 2018 that explores the complexities of modern relationships through the eyes of a young couple. Directed by Pedro Coutinho and starring Johnny Massaro, Regina Braga, and Bianca Comparato, the movie takes a hilarious and poignant look at love, breakups, and all the maddening things in between.

The film follows Antonio (Johnny Massaro), a young man struggling to make sense of his recent breakup with Sofia (Bianca Comparato), the woman he thought was the love of his life. As he navigates his way through the ups and downs of single life, he finds himself drawn to a mysterious woman named Beatriz (Regina Braga), who seems to understand his pain and confusion better than anyone else.

Despite his initial reservations, Antonio soon finds himself falling for Beatriz in a big way, and the two quickly become inseparable. But as their relationship deepens, Antonio begins to realize that Beatriz is not the perfect woman he thought she was. She has her own flaws and insecurities, and their love is put to the test as they struggle to overcome the obstacles standing in their way.

One of the things that makes All The Reasons To Forget stand out is its unique blend of humor and heart. The film is filled with laugh-out-loud moments that are sure to delight audiences, but it also has a raw emotional honesty that is rare for a romantic comedy. Through Antonio’s journey, we see how difficult it can be to let go of the past and move on, and how sometimes the people we think we need the most may not be the ones we actually want.

Another standout feature of the movie is its intelligent and nuanced portrayal of modern relationships. Rather than resorting to cliches or stereotypes, the film takes an honest and complex look at the various factors that can impact a relationship, from social media to family dynamics to mental health issues. This makes All The Reasons To Forget a refreshing and thought-provoking addition to the romantic comedy genre.

Of course, much of the film’s success can be attributed to its talented cast. Johnny Massaro is excellent as the lovestruck Antonio, bringing a natural charm and vulnerability to the role. Regina Braga is equally impressive as Beatriz, imbuing the character with a quiet strength and depth. And Bianca Comparato shines in her smaller role as Sofia, bringing a fierce intelligence and wit to every scene she’s in.

Overall, All The Reasons To Forget is a must-see for fans of romantic comedies and anyone looking for a fresh take on the genre. With its smart writing, strong performances, and genuine heart, the movie is a true gem of Brazilian cinema. So if you’re in the mood for a movie that will make you laugh, make you cry, and make you fall in love all over again, be sure to add All The Reasons To Forget to your watchlist.

All The Reasons To Forget
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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 29 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.2  (556)