A Very Corgi Christmas is a lighthearted and heartwarming holiday movie from 2019. The film follows the story of Lisa, a busy executive who's always prioritizing work over spending time with those closest to her. She's so caught up with work that she hardly has time to celebrate Christmas. However, when her grandfather passes away, she's forced to take a break from her routine and head to her hometown. She's given the responsibility to take care of her grandfather's beloved corgi named Hercules.
Lisa's grandfather had instilled a love for Christmas in her, and her time spent in her hometown brings back all the warm and festive feelings that the holiday season brings. Hercules proves to be much more than just a dog that Lisa has to look after - he's a gateway to happiness, love, and joy. Throughout the movie, Hercules inadvertently helps Lisa navigate some of the most challenging situations she's had to face.
Upon her arrival in town, Lisa meets Jake, Hercules' trainer. Jake's charm and love for his job make Lisa see the benefits of working for something she loves rather than just to make a living. The chemistry between Lisa and Jake is palpable, and as they work together to make Hercules a show dog, they grow closer.
Besides Lisa's journey, the movie focuses heavily on Hercules and the corgi community that exists in the town. Hercules comes from a long line of award-winning show dogs, and his owner hopes that he will be the one to bring home the grand prize. The movie showcases the rigorous training that Hercules has to go through and the camaraderie that exists between the other corgis and their owners.
One of the strong suits of A Very Corgi Christmas is the delightful cast of characters. Kelly Kruger plays the role of Lisa amazingly; her transformation throughout the movie is heartening to watch. Kevin McGarry's portrayal of Jake is commendable, and the on-screen chemistry between him and Kruger is undeniable. The highlight of the movie has to be the corgis. The scenes that feature the dogs are undoubtedly the cutest, and their personalities are brought out beautifully on screen.
Moreover, a strong emphasis is placed on family, relationships, and what they truly mean. Lisa's grandfather's passing comes as a shock to her, and it's a reminder of how she's been neglecting the people she loves. With the help of Hercules, she rebuilds her relationship with her mother, with whom she's had a strained dynamic. The movie also tackles the theme of second chances and addresses the concept of giving people the benefit of the doubt.
The picturesque holiday season setting only adds to the movie's charm. The film is set in a quaint small town where everyone knows each other, and the community comes together to celebrate the festivities. The town looks like it's straight out of a postcard, with vibrant wreaths and twinkling lights adorning every corner.
In conclusion, A Very Corgi Christmas is a wholesome and enjoyable movie that offers a break from the tumultuous reality of the world. The endearing and adorable cast of characters, coupled with a feel-good storyline, makes it the perfect movie to watch when you're in the mood for something light and heartwarming. The movie captures the essence of the holiday season and will undoubtedly put a smile on your face.
A Very Corgi Christmas is a 2019 family movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 30 minutes. It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 5.4.
CastKelly KrugerKevin McGarryDavide Fair
DirectorAndrew Cymek
Release Date2019
Runtime1 hr 30 min
IMDB Rating5.4 (743)
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