A Dangerous Profession, released in 1949, is a film noir crime drama that starred George Raft, Pat O'Brien, and Ella Raines in lead roles. The movie, directed by Ted Tetzlaff, tells the story of a young lawyer who is trying to build his career as a criminal defense attorney. George Raft played Vince Kane, a tough and fearless criminal defense attorney who takes up cases where the odds are stacked against him. He is a loner who has been successful in winning many cases, but his victories have come at a high cost. He lives a life full of risks and danger, and this has put him on the wrong side of the law on many occasions.
Pat O'Brien played David Madden, a successful lawyer who took Vince Kane under his wing when he was just starting his career. David knew how talented Vince was and saw potential in him. He trained him and taught him everything he knew about the law. David was like a father figure to Vince, and the two shared a strong bond despite their different personalities.
Ella Raines played Lynn Warren, a beautiful and mysterious woman who catches Vince's attention when she walks into his office seeking his help. Lynn is in love with her husband, but she knows that he has committed a crime and desperately needs Vince's help to get him out of jail.
The film starts with Vince defending a young woman who is accused of murder. The case seems hopeless, but Vince manages to prove her innocence and win the case. However, he soon finds that his client was lying to him, and she was, in fact, guilty of the crime.
Throughout the movie, Vince takes on one challenging case after another, winning some and losing some. His dedication and commitment to his clients come at a great personal cost, and he loses touch with his own life in the process.
As the story unfolds, Vince finds himself in a web of deceit and danger. He is caught between his loyalty to his clients and his conscience. The movie portrays the legal system as flawed, and corrupt where truth and justice are often sacrificed for the sake of money and power.
The chemistry between George Raft and Ella Raines is palpable, and their interactions add an extra layer of intrigue to the movie. The film also features suspenseful courtroom scenes that keep the audience engaged and guessing about the outcomes.
Overall, A Dangerous Profession is a gripping noir drama that explores the moral and ethical implications of defending criminals in a corrupt legal system. Raft gives an impressive performance as the fearless and conflicted lawyer, and the movie's stunning visuals and atmospheric music add to its noir appeal.
In conclusion, A Dangerous Profession is a must-watch for anyone who loves crime dramas and film noir. The movie's themes of morality, loyalty, and justice are still relevant today, making it a timeless classic that continues to captivate audiences.
A Dangerous Profession is a 1949 crime movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 18 minutes. It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 6.0.
CastGeorge RaftElla RainesPat O'Brien
DirectorTed Tetzlaff
Release Date1949
Runtime1 hr 18 min
IMDB Rating6.0 (752)
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