6 Candles is a Tamil-language psychological thriller film released in 2013. The film features a star cast of Sandra Amy, Poonam Kaur, and Nagineedu in the lead roles. The plot of the movie revolves around a young girl who went missing in Chennai. The girl's parents are desperately searching for their daughter with the help of the police. Meanwhile, a woman named Gayathri (Sandra Amy) is seen traveling to Chennai by train. As she enters Chennai, she suddenly remembers that she had a dream about a girl who looks exactly like the missing child.
After suffering from severe sleep deprivation for many days, Gayathri decides to investigate the matter herself. She eventually tracks down the girl's mother, who lives in a slum in the outskirts of the city. The mother tells Gayathri that her daughter was kidnapped, and she is not sure if she is still alive.
Gayathri decides to find the truth behind the kidnapping and sets out into the dark roots of the underbelly of Chennai. As she delves deeper into the case, Gayathri discovers a web of problems, including child trafficking, drugs, and a string of mysterious murders. What follows is a thrilling rollercoaster ride of intense action, suspense, and mystery, leading to a shocking twist at the end.
The film features some excellent performances from the lead actors, especially from Sandra Amy, who portrays the character of Gayathri with intense emotions and expresses her vulnerability well. Her character's intense focus, persistence, and determination to find the truth are commendable.
The music of the film is composed by Taj Noor, with the background score being perfect for the film's genre. The cinematography, on the other hand, is outstanding, capturing the rawness and unique characteristics of Chennai's streets and structures.
Overall, 6 Candles is a well-directed, well-acted movie that provides an intriguing storyline filled with suspense, mysteries, and secrets. The audience is kept on the edge from start to finish.
One of the prominent themes explored in the film is child trafficking, which is a severe issue that India is still dealing with to this day. The movie manages to raise awareness about this problem and the impact it has on the community, making it not just an interesting watch but also a socially relevant one.
In conclusion, 6 Candles is a must-watch film for any fans of action, suspense, and mystery movies. Its intense storyline, along with brilliant performances, keeps the audience hooked throughout. It is a thrilling watch with a message, making it a well-rounded film that is hard to forget.
6 Candles is a 2013 thriller with a runtime of 2 hours and 2 minutes. It has received mostly positive reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 7.0.
CastSandra AmyPoonam KaurNagineedu
DirectorV. Z. Durai
Release Date2013
Runtime2 hr 2 min
IMDB Rating7.0 (245)
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