"45" is a thriller movie written and directed by Gary Lennon in 2006. The film revolves around the story of Kat (Milla Jovovich), a young woman who is stuck in a violent and destructive relationship with her abusive and drug-addicted boyfriend, Big Al (Angus Macfadyen). After feeling like she's trapped and sees no way out, Kat discovers her boyfriend's hidden stash of money and decides to steal it to start a new life for herself.
However, her problems don't stop there. When Big Al catches her in the act, he violently attacks her and leaves her for dead. In the hospital, Kat meets a sympathetic cop, Reilly (Stephen Dorff), who encourages her to leave her old life behind and start anew. Kat agrees and sets out to plan a new life for herself, but every step of the way, a shadowy figure seems to be following her, making her wonder if she's really safe at all.
Throughout the movie, we see flashbacks of Kat's past and how she ended up in her current situation. Her backstory reveals that she grew up in a troubled household where her mother was an addict, and she had to fend for herself from a young age. Kat's relationship with Big Al is tumultuous at best, but she stays with him because she thinks she can save him.
As Kat tries to escape her old life and old ways, she finds herself drawn to Reilly, who is not who he seems. She soon learns that everyone in her life has been living a lie and that she can only trust herself. As she takes control of her life and starts to implement her plans, she must confront her past and the people who wronged her.
The film is a gritty and violent portrayal of life on the edge, where no one is who they seem and everyone has something to hide. The movie also explores themes of trust, loyalty, and self-discovery. It is a character-driven film that focuses on Kat's journey to find herself and start a new life.
Overall, "45" is a taut, suspenseful thriller that showcases Milla Jovovich's acting ability. The movie is intense and gritty, with plenty of twists and turns to keep the audience engaged. The film also features a strong supporting cast, including Stephen Dorff and Angus Macfadyen, who deliver solid performances. While the movie's violence and adult themes may not be suitable for all audiences, it is a must-watch for fans of the crime thriller genre.
.45 is a 2007 drama with a runtime of 1 hour and 41 minutes. It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 5.5.
CastMilla JovovichAngus MacfadyenStephen Dorff
DirectorGary Lennon
Release Date2007
MPAA RatingR
Runtime1 hr 41 min
IMDB Rating5.5 (8,966)
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