"21 Days Together" is a romantic drama film released in 1940, directed by Basil Dean and starring a powerhouse cast including Vivien Leigh, Laurence Olivier, and Leslie Banks. The story is based on the stage play called "The First and the Last" written by John Galsworthy. The movie follows the story of two strangers, Ashley Marshland (Vivien Leigh) and Laurence Gerard (Laurence Olivier), who fatefully meet on a train in France. Ashley is a young woman on holiday, while Laurence is a middle-aged man who is traveling to London to meet his fiancé, Avril (a character played by Wendy Barrie). However, following an inadvertent mistake, Laurence misses his connection and is forced to spend the night in Ashley's hotel room â launching a series of events that will change their lives forever.
As "21 Days Together" progresses, we see Ashley and Laurence develop a deep bond and fall in love, despite their significant age difference. However, their newfound happiness is short-lived because of an unfortunate encounter with Avril, who discovers their affair, and Laurence's life takes a sudden turn when he is accused of murder.
The story then takes a sharp turn, as Laurence is put on trial for his life, and the film transforms into a gripping courtroom drama. His lawyer, Sir James Quentin, (played by Leslie Banks) fights valiantly to clear Laurence's name, despite overwhelming evidence against him. The film's tension escalates as various characters testify, each with a version of events that only deepens Laurence's predicament.
Throughout the movie, Vivien Leigh is luminous in her role as Ashley Marshland, displaying all the charm and elegance that she was famous for. Laurence Olivier also delivers a brilliant performance as Laurence Gerard, displaying both vulnerability and conviction as his character's life is turned upside down. Together, the two actors bring an undeniable chemistry to their on-screen relationship that is both touching and believable.
"21 Days Together" was praised for its screenplay, which was written by J.O.C. Orton, who expertly adapted the original stage play for the big screen. Viewers appreciated the way the film incorporated a breadth of emotions, spanning from romance to suspense, and they often cited the film's twists and turns, as well as its top-tier performances, as the primary reasons for their enjoyment.
The setting and costumes of the movie were another highlight, as "21 Days Together" was shot on location in France and England, providing striking vistas and scenic backdrops for the audience to enjoy. The film's aesthetic is both enticing and visually stunning, further adding to the romantic atmosphere of the movie.
Overall, "21 Days Together" remains a solid and emotional drama that has stood the test of time. With memorable performances, expert pacing, and a poignant love story at its core, this impressive film offers a classic cinematic experience that is both rewarding and moving.
CastVivien LeighLeslie BanksLaurence Olivier
DirectorBasil Dean
Release Date1940
MPAA RatingApproved
Runtime1 hr 11 min
IMDB Rating6.1 (1,285)
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