Watch TV Shows on TV5 Monde

The TV station TV5 Monde is known around the World as a broadcaster of a wide range of French language programming, for many years the broadcaster has been listed in the top three most available networks throughout the World. Upon its launch in 1984 the company was known as TV5, but later changed its name to TV5 Monde in a bid to show the global nature of its reach as a broadcaster. One of the major areas the company has had success is with its French language news broadcasts, which are shown around the World as the station is broadcast via cable and satellite networks.

There is very little original programming available from TV5 Monde on a regular basis, the majority of the programming is brought in from various production companies and broadcast networks operating in the French speaking World. An area that has seen large viewing figures for TV5 Monde is the broadcast of Ligue 1 soccer matches and magazine style programs that feature highlights and information on teams and players. Movies from many French speaking cultures also feature highly in the output of TV5 Monde, as do a large number of music based magazine style programs that feature the top French speaking artists from around the World.

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