Watch TV Shows on Tr3s

Tr3s was first launched by MTV in 2006, and recently broke their ties. This channel is recognized for playing the hottest Latin videos. They also mix in a little American music video flavor, then let the stories unfold on translated reality shows.

The Meaning of Tr3s

Spelling is really akward for this logo, but those who are of Latin descent can translate the meaning quicly. Tr3s is really "tres" in Spanish, and translates to "three" in English. When they launched with MTV, they where the broadcasting systems third channel.

Latin Music & Vibrant Videos

The latest and greatest artists can be viewed on Tr3s. They also play videos of the greatest Latin hits of all time. The videos reflect the cultures of multiple Spanish speaking artists.

Mixing With American Top Hitters

Every few videos will be performed by an American artist or featuring an American artist. Their are video programs for early morning, during the day, and at night. Even if a person is not of Latin culture they find a way to relate to the music.

Children Shows To Spicy Reality

Programs found on Tr3s are suitable for children and people of all ages. Their are time frames dedicated to children shows that have been translated. Later in the day adults can watch drama unfold on reality shows, also translated to Spanish for multilingual viewers.

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