Tokyo MX is one of the major television broadcast channels in Tokyo Japan. They are the only channel that specifically focuses on Tokyo. This channel is part of the Japanese Association of Independent Television Stations or JAITS.
The shows broadcast on this station vary widely. Every week Tokyo MX airs the Tokyo Governor's press conferences. It also broadcasts local and world news and the local weather. But Tokyo MX also offers a wide range of documentaries, reality TV and anime.
For instance "Global Vision", one of Tokyo MX's reality shows, covers matchmaking all around the world, documenting differences in culture and tradition. It also focuses on mixed culture matchmaking and long distance relationships.
"Car Graphics TV" delivers information on different cars. It explains their place in history and focuses on their features. They also test drive the cars on this show.
"Yu Can Do It", is an English educational program that teaches its young viewers to speak english. Through music and discussions with "principal Yu", viewers have fun while learning a new language.
Their most popular show is "Crazy at 5 O'clock". This is a sort of talk show where the various hosts vote on their favorite foods and celebrities, or whatever comes up. They often host celebrities on their show, such as the Korean pop band Cross Gene.
Tokyo MX also offers music, fiction and fantasy shows, fishing, shopping, travel, and much more. The city's main broadcast channel, Tokyo MX offers a wide variety of shows to interest anyone.