Watch TV Shows on Sony

Sony, headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, is multinational corporation that runs television, film, music, and written media distribution. While the company originally focused on electronic hardware such as mp3 players, video cassettes, and televisions, they have since expanded to include offerings in a variety of digital media.

Sony Pictures Entertainment is Sony's primary entertainment channel, offering a large library comprising over 4,000 unique films (12 of which have won academy awards). It is based in Culver City, California, where over 700 employees live and work to produce high quality professional media.

Successful franchises under Sony's direction and distribution includes hits such as Spider Man, Resident Evil, Men in Black, Skyfall, Hotel Transylvania, and more. Recently, however, the CEO - Michael Lynton - announced plans to focus more on television programming in place of films, meaning that future films would be cancelled or cut back.

Now Sony focuses on integrating technology into their platforms to allow fast streaming, purchasing, and downloading of their proprietary content and services. Previously, certain television series and films were only available in physical formats in a retail environment.

Media lovers can now access their favorite shows right from the comfort of their home, as Sony has cooperated with corporate partners such as Netflix, Amazon, and Apple to include their content on their home streaming devices.

Sony is slated to produce a new Spider Man movie in 2016, replacing Andrew Garfield as the title character and opting to redirect the series' aim to a darker, more modern theme.

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