The ReelAfrican Channel provides a diverse list of programming involving African Shows from the various African countries. Viewers will be able to watch African shows such as Zulu Surf Riders, An African City, The Dawn of a New Day and Love Games, among numerous other shows.
The ReelAfrican Channel provides programming produced by African producers and with characters portrayed by African actors and actresses. The broadcasts range from weekly television shows, including dramas, situation comedies and live programming to movies and shows based on reality television.
The channel provides viewers with a much broader example of African entertainment as well as the quality of African thespians. Many of the shows broadcast by the ReelAfrican Channel have never been viewed outside the Country in which it was produced let alone the African continent. Many loyal viewers of quality television will be surprised by the number of shows which are produced with originality and from a perspective that many viewers outside of African rarely see.
Just as the BBC brought a refreshing perspective to American television, the AfricanReel channel does the same. Many viewers are unaware that a number of American shows are remakes of BBC programming. A casual viewer may also find similarities with some of the programming of the ReelAfrican Channel. A show such as An African City may have similar plot lines with the United States show, Sex in the City. The manner in which the ReelAfrican shows are broadcast display a high quality production value that many viewers may not expect but will enjoy.