Watch TV Shows on Pivot

Pivot Channel was established to cater to the Millennial generation with a call to action approach. It provides thought provoking programming with original series such as Hit Record on TV, Fortitude and Welcome To Fairfax. Documentaries include such features as ‘Waiting for Superman’, which puts the education debate on center stage.

HitRecord on TV is hosted by Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The show engages the audience by inviting them to assist with the development of all the episodes for the series. The show welcomes the ideas of viewers with the acceptance of music clips, conversation, live performances and more original content.

Fortitude is a series about life in an Arctic town. The dialogue is started about climate change among the citizens. Some episodes include topics about melting snowcaps or the impact of global warming on eradicated diseases. In episode 6 fear hits the town when body bags are being filled with neighbors.

Welcome To Fairfax is a reality show for the people who live in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Fairfax. Episodes highlight different individuals on a quest to find the next big thing. Dream entrepreneurs such as Mizzle want his fashion brand to reach the masses so he can provide for his family.

Waiting for Superman takes on the collective sentiment that more can and must be done to improve the educational system in America. It presents ideas from a variety of experts and the everyday individual. This documentary has a segment entitled ‘2 Ways to Take Action’, where the common core strategy is reviewed.

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