The Moonscoop Television Channel was a French network that is most notable for its animated cartoons. Although the channel was officially established in 2003, it had its roots in 1984 when it was France Animation; in 1987 when it was Futuroscope; 1990 as Antefilms; and 2001 as Antefilms Productions. In 2014 Moonscoop was once again renamed as Splash Entertainment.
Moonscoop was known for several animated series during its tenure. One of these included a television series entitled Code Lyoko. In this series, a group of five teenagers travel to a virtual world called Lyoko. While they are there, they must do battle against an evil artificial intelligence called X.A.N.A. which has been threatening Earth by their nefarious deeds.
This series spawned another show on the Moonscoop network, which was entitled "Code Lyoko: Evolution" and was shown with the XANA character reappearing and becoming stronger than ever before. As a result, the main characters must resume their double lives and once again do battle against the malignant entity.
Hero: 108 is another rather unique show that centers around a plot where a long time ago animals and humans lived in perfect harmony. Unfortunately, an alien named HighRoller came upon the scene and tricked the animals into believing that the humans were their enemies. As a result, chaos was present throughout the kingdom.
These and many other unique animated television shows comprise the Moonscoop lineup. Although they had started out as a French network they have now grown and branched out to USA's Cartoon Network.