The Lifetime movie network is a channel that is dedicated to shows that cater primarily to a female audience. There are shows that present content for girls of all ages. Many of the most popular shows on this network are reality shows.
What most viewers that subscribe to the Lifetime network look for are shows that provide a certain amount of drama. This is what many of the themes behind the reality shows provide. There are dance shows and reality shows about families. Most of these shows have tense moments that provide a lot of high energy characters that are very wild and frantic.
Another thing that Lifetime is known for is the movies that are made exclusively for this channel. Many of the movies deal with issues like failed marriages, affairs and other family issues. There are also some other well known movies that are presented on this channel. Most of the themes around these classic movies are centered around marriages and females that are looking for love.
Lifetime also has information shows about health. The informational programs are typically early morning shows. The prime time content is designed for the reality shows because this is the most popular content for Lifetime viewers. Many of the Lifetime movies presented on this network are considered thrillers. Few of the original movies provide much comic relief. Viewers that watch these shows are more interested in dramas and high paced thrillers. The network caters to many stay-at-moms and middle aged working women.