Watch TV Shows on KBS2

KBS2 is a Korean based channel that offers a wide variety of news, drama and entertainment programs. The original station was called TBC and launched in December 7, 1965. On December 1, 1980, it was relaunched as KBS. Around this same time, the Tongyang Broadcasting Corporation forced a merger which resulted in the name change of the station to KBS2.

KBS1 doesn't allow air commercial advertisements partly in fact due to the revised broadcasting act of 1994. KBS2 however does accept advertisements on air and is how they receive all of their funding to stay on the air. The majority of KBS2 programming is entertainment that's produced locally by KBS.

There's also some musical programs that air such as Happy Together, 1 Night 2 Days, Invincible Youth, Let's Go Dream Team! Season 2 and a wide variety of other network shows. There are over 50 original programs that air on the network that range from news shows, current affairs, entertainment, award shows, dramas and shows that only air on specific days.

In 2015, KBS2 abandoned the yellow ball mascot and introduced a brand new flat look with 2D animations. The station was still doing analog broadcasts up until late 2012 when the network finally cancelled them.

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