Kachidoki Studios, a name which translates to Victory Cry Studios in English, is a Japanese based company with a large variety of content ranging from the comedic anime adaptation of the Japanese horror manga titled Litchi Hikari Club to the animations of beloved Japanese cartoon characters like Lily Franky's the Adventures of Oden-kun.
The studio has been known to collaborate with many different, very popular companies worldwide to enhance the creation of their memorabilia, such as Converse and the various lines of social media that utilize Kachidoki Studios inspired stamps--they've recently put out a line of Oden-kun themed Converse sneakers under the collaboration labelled Comic Japan. Scores of small diaries, notebooks, pens, posters and stickers based on their characters can also be found in their archive.
In their strong reign of studio animations, Kachidoki Studios makes use of their role in support of up-and-coming Japanese pop artists as well, backing musicians such as Izumi Kazusa and Lisa Melody, and playing a large role in the production of a popular Japanese television music launcher entitled La Pompon, where they will offer a new string of characters to represent the event.
Perhaps because of their large team of working animators, Kachidoki Studios has no particular style of art or animation. Its main focus lays in bringing laughs to its viewers with its Japanese originated humor and a variety of amusingly drawn memes, but it also goes a step further and provides educational programs and a push for new generation entertainment in Japan.