IFC (Independent Film Commission), is a channel that represents the organizational aims of a group of independent and privately funded film syndicates all around the world. Initially, the IFC was a small group of indie film makers in the town of Boulder, Colorado who wanted nothing more than to produce high quality, thought-provoking films. The first IFC film was shown at the Blue Rock Art House near the University of Colorado Campus. The film, "A Gap in Time," received stellar reviews from students and other viewers, which caused the brand name of IFC to spread quickly online and by word of mouth.
Soon after, the IFC gained funding and public support to produce more unique films, expanding to include documentaries, television series, interviews, full-length fictional films, experiential projects, and more. IFC still maintains full editorial rights, however. IFC has remained true to its original purpose, and now offers its content online in digital form. Their media can be downloaded, streamed, and shared for free. However, donations are encouraged and help to sustain the platform that gives a voice to otherwise suppressed communities of artists. Certain crowdfunded projects have received public financing, such as "A Diamond This Way," "Pit of Fire," and "The Roundsmiths," just to name a few.
The IFC announced in fall of 2014 that they would put on their first ever yearly film festival entitled "IFC Fest" in July of 2015. The event is set to draw in hundreds of people that are interested in alternative films and other digital media.