HD Films is a full-service production company that is based in Hollywood, California. The production company has become well-known within the industry for its thorough treatment of a variety of film projects. Anybody who is anybody in Hollywood knows about the work that this company has done. Here is just a few of their projects:
At the date of this writing HD Films continues to expand on its repertoire and its services to a variety of clients. They have had recent partnerships with a variety of leading producers within the industry, such as Hulu, Sony Online Entertainment, Twitch, Warner Brothers Pictures and Fandango. They have also had experiences working with FX, IGN, Crackle, and they have even worked with Playstation, Microsoft, Ford and XBox One as well.
HD Films has had a variety of film projects. One notable project ran from 2009 to 2011 and features a group of highly-intelligent earth-like beings who elect to visit Earth. One big subplot in the series can be seen in the fact that while the aliens tell the humans that have peaceful intentions they in fact do not. Another project was based on true story where a woman was forced to become a "human time bomb." Finally, another project that they have in the works is entitled "Space: 2099" and is an adaptation of the earlier 1999 series. The new series will make a strong attempt to posit to viewers what the world will look like in the future and how space exploration will take shape.