Harmony Gold USA is a production and distribution firm that was original founded back in 1983. The company is quite famous for having a hand in the controversial Shaka Zulu television series. The show came out in 1986, and it was filmed in South Africa at a time when economic sanctions were placed on the nation.
The company also distributes the Around the World in 80 Days miniseries, which was broadcast on NBC in 1989. Fans of that particular series fondly remember Pierce Brosnan and Eric Idle, but it also included a number of other stars in a variety of roles. The filmmakers decided to insert 19th century celebrities into the storyline, which provided opportunities for a number of guest stars.
Robotech might be the most substantial project that Harmony Gold USA ever worked on. The rights to three different Japanese animated television programs were purchased from Tasunoko Productions, and American producers then wrote a dubbing script that helped to combine the three shows.
The idea was so popular that the series spun off a pair of movies, and in 2006 Harmony Gold released a follow-up movie that helped to further knit the storylines together. The company also dubbed in the Captain Harlock and Queen Millennia shows in order to release them together in a combined format. Lensman received a release from the company as well.
One of the earliest American releases of Dragon Ball happened as a result of Harmony Gold's licensing stroke, and they also dubbed the first episode of the predecessor show Doctor Slump.