Watch TV Shows on Centric

The Centric channel shows urban television comedies, dramas and music shows. This channel has become a popular source for a lot of well known comedies that are in syndication. There are reruns of shows like The Cosby Show and Moesha. It is a channel that also has some new urban shows.

What many people recognize with Centric is the way that it parallels with other urban stations like BET. This is a TV station that will air reruns of popular award shows like the Soul Train awards. There are also some entertainment and video shows that are produced exclusively for the Centric channel. It is a station that has a lot of music entertainment, but it is known primarily as a station that caters to viewers that desire comedies.

Many sitcoms run during the weekend. This is where viewers may get the chance to see a lot of marathons. A plethora of old movies will also run on this television station on a regular basis. This is where many people find movies with big name celebrities in the African American comedy. It is not uncommon to see movies staring Eddie Murphy, Martin Lawrence or Will Smith on this channel.

There are also beauty and fashion shows that are designed to give women tips on hair, makeup and style. These are shows that are exclusively designed by and for African American women. The channel has a well-rounded list of schools that can entertain and educate people in the African American community.

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