Watch TV Shows on BBC One

BBC One is a television station in the United Kingdom that is part of the British Broadcasting Corporation. BBC One is part of the Brititsh Broadcsting Corporation, which also owns other televisions and radio stations. BBC One is the oldest television station in the UK and has been operating since 1936.

This channel aims to be one of the most popular channels in the UK and offers a variety of programming including news, drama, comedy, sports, and home and cooking shows.

The BBC One is home to shows like EastEnders, Sherlock, Dr. Who and Call the Midwife. Many of these shows are popular in America and are broadcast on the BBC America channel as well.

This channel also airs American shows such as the Celebrity Apprentice. They also show the The Voice UK, a show based on the singing competition show the Voice that airs in America.

Popular sporting events can also be viewed on BBC One. The channel airs live sporting events of favorite teams and sports related shows like Football Focus and Final Score.

Home improvement and cooking shows are also available on BBC One including Homes Under the Hammer, Bargain Hunt and Mary Berry Cooks.

BBC One doesn’t show commercials because it is publicly funded through a Licence Fee.

  • Network

    BBC One